Hiring Locally — A Priority

By Malik Majeed, President, CEO & General Counsel

This August PRWT Services, Inc. will be celebrating its 30th anniversary. Of course, reaching milestones like 30 years of business excellence prompts one to reflect on the highs and the lessons learned of the last three decades. While I’m sure my colleagues and I will be doing more reflecting and celebrating as we get closer to our anniversary date, today I can’t help but think of one of the most important parts of what helped us reach this point, and that’s our employees.

At PRWT we’re very proud of the fact that we hire from local neighborhoods and surrounding communities. And even as we’ve grown our business into a nationally renowned firm, we’re still committed to the city where it all began for us — Philadelphia.

We understand that even though we’re the largest minority-owned firm in the city, we may not be a household name that young people are thinking about working for one day. So that requires us to step away from our desks and spend time recruiting in the community. To do this, we often partner with others, including:

  • Temple University Annual Neighborhood Job Fair
  • Girard College Job Fair
  • Southwest Philadelphia with Kenyatta Johnson Job Fair
  • Grays Ferry Ave Job Fair

We also host internal job fairs at least twice a year, including our job fair tomorrow, May 2 from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Anyone interested in attending can register here.

Some may think job fairs are old school. But without a doubt these events help us to reconnect with our community members and find talent for every position, right in our own backyard. And that’s what has kept us true to our mission and values for the past 30 years, and will be what continues to drive us forward for the next 30.